President, Nurturing Hands Foundation
Mrs. Seema Singh is the founder of Nurturing Hand. She holds a Masters degree in Social Work and specializes in Counseling. She also has a Diploma in Integrated Child Development Services and Nursery Teacher Training (NTT). Mrs. Singh is a passionate social worker with extensive experience in women empowerment and children's education. Her vision is to create a better world by promoting sustainable practices and protecting the environment.
Follow me on @SeemaRathi6
President, Nurturing Hands Foundation
At Nurturing Hand, our mission is to empower women, educate communities, and protect the environment. We believe in creating a world that is equitable and sustainable, where women and girls have the opportunity to reach their full potential, and where the planet is protected for future generations. Through our programs and advocacy, we aim to create a positive impact on the lives of women, girls, and communities, while promoting environmental responsibility and sustainable living. We are committed to working towards a better world, one step at a time.